With the sunlight obliterated by a late March sandstorm, red and orange skies creted an eerie and ominous welcome to troops of the 3rd Infantry Division as they advanced on Al Kifl. (Photo by David Leeson)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
A pained stare, plastic ties and muddy, shoeless feet. In war, everyone is suspect. After a short firefight in Sayyid Muhammad, these men were rounded up, stripped, interrogated and later released. (Photo by Cheryl Diaz Meyer)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
풀려나서 그래도 다행. 예전에 베트남전에서 찍힌 민간인 머리에 권총 똑바로 들이댄 사진을 본 적이 있었는데, 몇초뒤에 머리에 구멍난 채 죽었단 소리 읽을 땐 진짜 경악스럽더니만.
Soles on the worn-out civilian shoes of dead Iraqi soldiers tell the story of an ill-equiped army in a David-and-Goliath batttle for their lives. (Photo by David Leeson)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
이게 병사의 신발이라고.. 이렇게 신고 싸우다 죽었단 말이지.
Squad leader and Staff Sgt. Lonnie Roberts stands at attention as troops from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team pay last respects to their fallen comrade, Pvt. Gregory Huxley, during a memorial for the 19-year-old in Baghdad. (Photo by David Leeson)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
After weeks on their desert march to Baghdad, Spc. George Gillette and Spc. Robert Boucher take a chapter from boyhood and leap into the beckoning water of an irrigation pond. (Photo by David Leeson)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
Walking past the bodies of Iraqi soldiers, a member of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team asks quitely, "Why do we do these things to one another?" (Photo by David Leeson)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
Walking past the bodies of Iraqi soldiers, a member of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team asks quitely, "Why do we do these things to one another?" (Photo by David Leeson)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
Killed during a thwarted bank heist, the eyes of the would-be robber are closed one last time. Later, he was moved into a Baghdad street where he was made a public example. "This is what happens when you steal," said one man. (Photo by David Leeson)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
Standing proudly, 10-year-oldUniss Mohammad Salman was among students returning to Al Amtithal Elemtary School, one of the first in the city of reopen after the invasion of Baghdad. (Photo by Cheryl Diaz Meyer)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
After a decade of uncertainty, Mohammad Bakar Whathiq is finally able to mourn his brother, a political dissident, discovered with others in a mass grave outside Baghdad. Long after his capture, the evil inflicted by Saddam Hussein on this countrymen will continue. (Photo by Cheryl Diaz Meyer)
© 2003 The Dallas Morning News
제일 웃긴 건 바로 이 모든게 그저 사실이 아닌 거만 같다는 거, 영화속 한장면인 것만 같다는 거.